The workshop is organised in the framework of the french ANR-PRELUDE program by Alain Lecomte (Alain.Lecomte LRz and Myriam Quatrini (quatrini LRz
This workshop is organised as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information ESSLLI 2008, 4-15 August, 2008 in Hamburg, Germany
Invited Speakers
Philippe de Groote, LORIA, France.
The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It will consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consecutive days in the first week of ESSLLI. There will be 2 slots for paper presentation and discussion per session. On the first day the workshop organisers will give an introduction to the topic.
Register and accomodation
All workshop participants including the presenters will be required to register for ESSLLI. The registration fee for authors presenting a paper will correspond to the early student/workshop speaker registration fee. There will be no reimbursement for travel costs and accommodation.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : | April 8, 2008 |
Notification : | April 21, 2008 |
Preliminary programme : | April 24, 2008 |
ESSLLI early registration : | May 1, 2008 |
Final papers for proceedings : | May 17, 2008 |
Final programme : | June 21, 2008 |
Workshop dates : | August 4-8, 2008 |